
Women of the Kingdom 

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Sermon: Women of the Kingdom
Florida Faith Church was happy to be the official Water Taxi stop for the Torguga Music Festival and many new faces joined us for worship and/or stopped-by to say hello and share stories of faith, hope and love. Worship was highlighted by live performances of “Come, Now is the Time to Worship”, “I Can Only Imagine”, “What a Beautiful Name”, and “How Great is our God”. The sermon title was “Women of the Kingdom” and we learned about women’s pivotal role in Christianity. The first interaction the risen Christ had was with women. The women of the Bible (over 188 are named) were granted grace and faith that transformed the world. How are you called to have the bold, fearless faith that only the women of the Bible could have taught us?

Challenge for the week: Boldly tell someone about your faith and invite them to “Come As You Are” worship!

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