
My Daily Walk


Sermon recap: We had an outstanding Sunday worship service! Wow, did the spirit move. Our worship band performed top contemporary Christian music to a full house: Lord I Lift Your Name On High, Holy Spirit, Waiting Here For You and Our God.

The title of the message was “My Daily Walk”. We hear people say they are transformed, sanctified, saved and Christian, but what does this mean? Faith is a daily undertaking and a lifelong process. The Holy Spirit enables us to overcome temptation and grow in grace. When we commit our life to Christ we die to the self and our focus shifts to things of lasting value like love. God also grants us His free gift of grace, which enables us to be victorious over sin and temptation. What does a daily walk with Christ mean for your life and how can you apply it to your life? Watch the sermon here

Challenge for the week: Apply your daily walk with Christ to your most difficult daily task TODAY. How did that task or the results change?

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