Teaching: A Life of Hope
Sermon text: Romans 5: 1-6 & 11
Give: Give God thanks, show Him we trust Him, fight greed in our hearts
Text to give: Text the words “FAITH GIVE” to the number 779-77
Website: Florida Faith Church + Watch Services + Weekly Events
Next events: Friday Night Sound Waves & Faith Social + Wine Study & Bible
Message recap: George Hoskins shared a message of faith, hope and love and reflected on his experience with the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. George shared how God is moving in that community a year later and how the Holy Spit is transforming hearts for good. The Christian life is characterized by trials; which help us to develop endurance and strength of character. Hope is rooted in our position not our circumstances and our postion flows from God’s love for us. Our choices in troubled times develop our character and confidence. Watch the message here or on our new App!
Challenge for the week: Identify a challenge in your life this week. How would Jesus respond? How will you respond?
FREE BIBLE: If you do not have a Bible, get one by texting the word “FLFAITH APP” the the number 779-77
We need your help to continue God’s work.
Please join our support drive
Campus: Florida Faith Church at The International Swimming Hall of Fame
1 Hall of Fame Drive, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316
*TIME: 10:15am – 11:15